Here is the new post for the physics phobians

I believe Physics is not a difficult subject if you are willing to put effort into it. I hope the following tips that i have compiled through my years of experience will help you. Enjoy.


1. Learn all the equations. :-

This can be hard to do, but about 75 to 95 percent of physics questions involve anequation or two. If you do maths, this will be easier than you think, but even if you do not, don't worry about it. A Google search or two can help you with the ones you do not fully understand.


2.. Use your time wisely:-

.It goes without saying that if you waste your time on one question, rather than moving on, this can be very dangerous. If you ever wantto do a physics paper perfectly, you need to know that answering more questions equal more marks (hopefully). The standard time mark ratio is one mark to one minute, but sometimes changes.


3 . Do not get distracted!

Restrain yourself from going to watch television or play games when you are studying.

4 . Read the question carefully

.If you missed a sentence or two, your idea of the question will be totally different! Furthermore, there might be some pesky one liner sub-part of a question hidden just belowthe main text. (E.g. asking you to draw the electric field lines on the diagram) You can miss the sub-part ifyou just jumped straight into the main question.

5 . Draw diagram

if you are unable to visualise the question. It will help you in the process of answering thequestion.

If you have tips that are not listed here, feel free to share by commenting on this post.




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